"A true journey of discovery lies not in seeking new shores but in finding new eyes." ~ Marcel Proust

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Washington, DC - Day 1

The week has officially begun and I have the sore feet to prove it!  I spent the afternoon with a mobile view of the city courtesy of my sister-in-law Laurie.  She deposited me at the hotel this afternoon where I met up with fellow TOYs from NC and LA.  We took a long walk past the White House just as President Obama's three helicopters were landing!  After making it to the Washington Monument we decided that our feet had had enough and we took the Metro back. One by one my fellow TOYs from across the nation made it to the lobby for a festive reunion.  I am so energized by the electricity in the group. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day!


  1. Sounds exciting and tiring! We miss you at Dunning, but are looking forward to hear all about your adventures!

  2. Wow Jae!!!! You are in for a week of a lifetime! You deserve it and I can't wait to hear everything. Bring back pictures to show the whole school!!!!! xo Lisa
